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The towns Grave Keeper. Some people stay clear of him due to the whole skeleton arm thing.

Average Vi

Physical Appearance[edit | edit source]

Standing at 6"4 Vi is one of the taller people around town making him easily recognizable. If his height didn't give him away his long white hair and sharp red eyes might. No one is quite sure what race the man might be, he has a tail of a tiefling but no horns, the ears of an elf but he has a tail, and he has a skeleton arm. When asked about his race or his arm people are met with a toothy smile and a shrug.
Tea Time Vi

Personality[edit | edit source]

Full of laughter and smiles, it's hard to imagine the happy go lucky man as a person who spends most of his time around the dead. Often the first to help people and offer any assistance. Most describe him as friendly, outgoing, and sometimes flirty, however there have been a few times where his smile cracks and is quickly brought back.

History[edit | edit source]

Very few know of Vi's true origins,and those who do don't want to know what happened the day him and his family left.
Younger Looking Vi

The Grave Yard[edit | edit source]

Where Vi spends most of his time. In the middle is a dark looking house where he lives, it gives off an eerie feeling and most tend to not visit unless they have business with him.

Quirks[edit | edit source]

  • Cold to the touch
  • Doesn't Appear to blink

Relationships[edit | edit source]

None at the moment