Ring of Personal Elements

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Jewelry (ring), uncommon (requires attunement)

When you attune to this ring, roll 2d10. You gain resistance to the damage type associated with the first d10 roll, and vulnerability to the damage type associated with the second d10 roll. You only roll the 2d10 the first time you attune to this ring and reroll the second d10 if it rolls the same number as the first.

This ring appears to be made from clear crystal with a separate transparent gem set within. Once attuned to, the band changes to a gem you feel a certain kinship to, while the separate rock set within puts you on edge.

d10 Damage Type Gem
1 Acid Pearl
2 Cold Tourmaline
3 Fire Garnet
4 Force Sapphire
5 Lightning Citrine
6 Necrotic Jet
7 Poison Amethyst
8 Psychic Jade
9 Radiant Topaz
10 Thunder Spinel