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Haven's location and the Isles to the North
Isle Location on World Map

Haven is a port town to the North of Shatterfall. The winds blow so harshly that its howls, earning the spot it's nick name.

The Houses[edit | edit source]

The Pirate Island is ruled by Pirate Families!

The BlackCrows, The StormGales

History[edit | edit source]

Visits[edit | edit source]

Whats Happening in Haven

Pt 1: Following a Lead It all started when I found Mr. Trinket aboard a smuggler’s ship. I’ve been seeking leads on where it might have went ever since. After weeks of a whole lot of nothing in Shatterfall, Dav finally sent me Northwards.

Prior expeditions by other adventurers marked the immediate danger zones around Shatterfall, allowing us to skip and dance around any unnecessary trouble. Needless to say, we sailed outwards with relative ease.

Then we came across the wreckage of a ship. The damage was bad. Truly bad. As if a giant foot had smashed it in the middle from the top. We scoured the wreckage, found little aside from a flag of green and blue, (which I snagged) and a man we would come to know as Captive Jack. He was too spooked to say much.

It took a day of feeding, and watering before he could speak. During which members of my crew, myself included, grew fond of the former slave. It was he who first told us of the Iron Soul, a monsterous warship of steamwork equipped with a massive gun. They have made a habit of going around and sinking different pirate ships in search of two Items: The Crown of the Depths and the Scepter of Something.

I had filed that away, for what good pirate doesn’t keep one or two treasure leads on the back burner. Anyways, we sailed onward.

The next thing we came across was a battle. Or the aftermath of one. A pirate ship was boarding another. As a team, we contemplated between stepping in or sailing past them. We ultimately decided to intervene. Whispers in my head told me that what I wanted most was nearby.

Taking down the pirates was no easy feat. But we managed to do so magnificently. We took our loot, the ship, and Remani fell in love with military captain Nikola.

Of the Loot, there was a crate and a contract. To be delivered to the DockMaster at Haven for a wonderful sum of money. Torn between opening it and not, we opted to fulfill the contract. It was a lot of money.

This was a mistake.

The Crate had my shards. Now Eerlong must be dealt with. In time. A lot was happening in Have. Too many things to dive into at the moment. We returned to Shatterfall, victorious, if hallow. I will return. And I will claim what is mine.

Pt 2: Searching for the Crown

Have I mentioned that there is a lot Happening in Haven? Houses at war. A leader missing. Speaker of the Tempest worshiping something in the deep. The Iron Soul, ally to the Storm Gales searching for items of magic and power.

If they want it, I want it more. I hire a crew and we go out on a treasure hunt. I want the crown. And I want my shards. We set out from Shatterfall to return to Haven… eventually finding the Iron Soul herself. We follow the trail of steam for as far as we dare. We even get close enough to see her for ourselves. And it is magnificent. Beautiful. Dangerously equipped with a massive cannon pointed our way. We stop following them immediately. Okko does his best to track and navigate where they might be going, and mark it on the map.

Thats when the trouble starts. A ship attacks us. Vultures that prey on the wreckage the Iron Soal leaves behind. Well they made a mistake. The battle was exciting and swift. The loot was nice too. I still have my kracken brooch on my captain’s coat…. No matter. We soon after arrive at Haven.

Immediately we search of leads. We’re looking for the crown, and any shards we may find.

We follow these leads to cursed islands. Chests that hold a whole lot of evil from within, summoning hoards of the undead. We battle, and win. Returning two chests to Eerlong, and collect our reward. More gold and a whole lot of nothing else. It was my fault. I should learn to be more specific, and less obsessed with Mr. Trinket.

The journey wasn’t a total loss however. Miss Crane was recruited into the Black Crow house. This came with an… initiation test of sorts. A job to do in the future, and potential allies for the incoming storm. Eerlong did eventually give me a lead and a location for the crown. Something to look into later. I just hope it’s not too late by then.

….Nicoli also revealed, rather reluctantly and vaguely, that my shards are scattered about somewhere on these islands. It's just a matter of looking….

Pt.3 A Fancy Dinner Party

The Houses of Haven are in political unrest. The Head Admiral Jaded Song has been missing for over four months now. His cousin shunned and exiled to the House of the Shunned for trying to replace him. The Stormgales are stronger than ever, but a top dog is being whispered about. Alexander, prince of the Stormgales, has made a speech of sorts that didn’t vibe with daddy dearest. It was aggressive, and mostly frowned upon by those who dared to mention it at all.

Amidst this all is a dinner party. Neutral ground where all of the houses meet and be merry.

The food was good, the dancing was fun, rumors and gossip told us much, and the Black Crows had a job to do.

We spent the first portion of Haven exploring, and shopping. I got Xyla a very impressive hat, A book of stories for myself. Miss Crane found herself a sword. And Remani was looking for Souvenirs to bring home for JakJak.

After a morning of shopping however, it was time to get to work. Our contacts found us. Told us that we were to steal plans for a prison of sorts. A cage to hold a magic item…. Anyways we did it.

We made a fool of ourselves digging for information. Everyone there was so beautiful, it was hard to hold back. I saw this own woman that I wanted to--- ahem..

When dessert was served we moved to the dance floor. The Fool with his stories and music, and Remani with her smooth pick up lines, played their roles as distractions to a tee. Allowing the rest of us to creep upstairs.

Okko, Crane, and I traveled in the dark, and gambled on where our item was located. We got it right the second time.

Behind a bookcase was a puzzle. The puzzle was a case of glass, and in that was our target. Okko the man of many surprised figured the puzzle out, and unlocked the cage. We made a copy of the prison plans, and returned downstairs.

We mingled for a time, but we did have to leave.

It was when we fulfilled our contract that I heard the scariest news of all....