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Cas[edit | edit source]

A slender gray and silver changeling of twenty-three years, Cas is rarely seen and even more rarely spoken too. However her pitch black eyes and antlers would set her apart from any other.

Personas[edit | edit source]

Kassandra Redford[edit | edit source]

Kassandra Redford, a Whirling Dervish with the Blackpaw Clan. She sings and dances through their prayers. Her voice reaching raising and falling with the timber of her accompaniment. Each dance told a different tale: the stories of the The Traveler and the Gray, the long ago Fall, and the Darkest Night. The Hundred Tales of the Wind and more. She was a storyteller and an entertainer, through and through. Never far from her bun-te, she is always playing in her free time. She worships the old gods. Spirits more than anything, they communicate with her and she responds. Through her spinning and singing, she finds solace in their voices and being heard.

Rhyker Blackfyr[edit | edit source]

Played more than a few times, this one is based on her brother of the same name.

Oath of the Ancients[edit | edit source]

Finding her Tenents[edit | edit source]

The night is heavy and warm, like a blanket on a cool night. Kassandra hurriedly walks out of Shatterfall and through a series of small streets and alleys. She glances down at the wrapped bundle on her hip, a sword that softly glows with the light of the moon. Kassandra looks up, narrowing her eyes, trying to find the path that is illuminated before her. The soft, silvery glow leads her through the ruined buildings and street further away from Shatterfall.

Stepping softly through a broken building, a large archway dominates the far side. The rest of the walls had fallen around the archway but it remains. Just below the highest point of the arch, the Gray Lady rests perfectly. It’s as if the arch was made for the moon. The Golden Elmin floating right above, watchful and present. Kassandra kneels at the archway, holding the bundle in front of her.

Slowly unwrapping the sword and setting it point towards her on the ground, Kassandra begins to hum a soft tune. Around her, the air resonates and a second voice hums in duet. The gray light from the moon and blade mingle on Kassandra’s face. Her skin grays and darkens, pulling back with taunt cheeks. Her eyes fade into black, endless pools and the soft shadow of antlers rise out of her head. A faint silver line draws the outline of a full moon on her forehead.

“I will kindle the hatchlings that find themselves alone in the world. Face the darkness and ignite new dawns.” The words come like honey, sweet and thick and slow.

“I will stand against those that would burn life. Shelter the young seedlings. Find life and nourish it to greatness.” The light of the moon narrows and comes to a focus on Kassandra.

“I will preserve my own light. Joy, kindness, and laughter are easy to forget when fighting the darkness. Cherish those such that the light never dies.” Kas glances up at the moon, her eyes filled to the brim with silvery light.

“Be the Moon. A beacon to those that have no light. A mirror for those that shine the brightest.” Cas pauses, looking deeper into the gray moon that hangs above her, bathing her in light.

“Let my joy and courage pour out in everything I do as a reflection of you.”

The air hangs heavy and solemn. Gray moonlight casts hard jagged shadows and Cas sits for a long moment, staring. From her eyes, silver tendrils stretch down her gray and darkened face. They twist around her arms, illuminating her.

In a brilliant flash, the light of the moon is gone. The silver tendrils are gone. The light that once illuminated the area is gone. Cas stands slowly to her feet and begins putting herself back together. She wraps the blade in the cloth. She rubs her cheeks and they regain their color. The rest of her mask slides into place and she returns to normal. One word bounces aimlessly in her head, ”Oathbound”.

Tenents[edit | edit source]

Kindle the Seedling. Through your acts of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness, kindle the dawn of hope in the world, beating back despair.

Shelter the Sick. Where there is good, beauty, love, and laughter in the world, stand against the wickedness that would swallow it. Where life flourishes, stand against the forces that would render it barren.

Preserve Your Own Light. Delight in song and laughter, in beauty and art. If you allow the light to die in your own heart, you can’t preserve it in the world.

Be the Sun. Be a glorious beacon for all who live in despair. Let the light of your joy and courage shine forth in all your deeds.

Items[edit | edit source]

Umbra[edit | edit source]

A gray narrow blade, it sheds light when unsheathed. Named by Kassandra on the date she took her oath.

What it does:[edit | edit source]

In darkness, the unsheathed blade of this sword sheds moonlight, creating bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet.